récipients alimentaires en plastique jetables en gros prix de qualité d’usine en Chine prix en Inde

Explorer les avantages des contenants alimentaires en plastique jetables provenant des usines chinoises de vente en gros

Comparaison des prix des contenants alimentaires en plastique jetables des usines chinoises et indiennes

Apparence et caractéristique

solide incolore et inodore

température de fusion

densité relative (eau 1,0)
Appearance & Characteristiccolorless and odorless solid
melting temperature(℃)165-170
relative density (water 1.0)1.33-1.34

In conclusion, when comparing prices of disposable plastic food containers from Chinese and Indian factories, it is important to consider the quality of the containers, the shipping costs, and the customer service. Chinese factories typically offer lower prices, but the quality of the containers may not be as good and the shipping costs may be higher. Indian factories, on the other hand, tend to offer higher prices but the quality of the containers is usually better and the shipping costs are usually lower.

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